Friday, 10 May 2013

Wrap Up to Efry Week With One More Story!!

I have worked with M. for over two years at Fort Saskatchewan Correctional Centre and the Edmonton Remand Centre.  She was recently convicted of her charge and sentenced to 5 years federally and is now at Edmonton Institution for Women.  M. is a bright and enthusiastic young lady who got caught up in a negative life style resulting in her incarceration. 

Her charges should not reflect who she is as she is a hard worker with a warm heart.  M. worked herself to the bitter end while incarcerated at the ERC.  She accomplished her GED while inside and studied every night.  It took her two years to complete everything but she did it and on top of that she was the first female at the ERC to receive her GED which was very exciting for her. 

 She now plans on continuing her education at EIFW and once released back into the community she would like to complete her medical administration or look into being a dental assistant. 

Written by Britt, our Provincial Prison Liaison and Work4Women Program Coordinator

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