Thursday, 9 May 2013

Another Woman Achieving Success!

B. a fifty year old woman attended the Changing Paths program for 369 hours. She attended regularly, walking 6 blocks from the bus stop in frigid temperatures, sore knees and broken heart. Because of her addictions to gambling, Tylenol, depression her family had disowned her. Over time she took the information shared in the program to heart, and practiced new ways of behaving and responding to family members. She was encouraged to call us anytime and she did. We would work through ‘bumps in the road’ together and she could move on. She learned new coping strategies and a love for life.

Her family ties strengthened and she was welcomed back over time. Today she lives a productive life, volunteering and being a good role model for her daughter. When mothers heal, their children heal also.

Written by Florence, our Changing Paths Program Coordinator

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